At first, tackling your debt seemed somewhat manageable. You eliminated discretionary spending habits, created a budget, and started prioritizing your savings account. You might have even taken on a side job to earn extra income. Now, however, you’re discovering that your outstanding debts are simply growing too high. No matter what steps you take now, you’ll be …
financial planning
Has a little piece of plastic landed you in a big struggle? If you’re one of the roughly 67 million Americans who can’t pay their credit card bills this year, the answer is likely affirmative. Thankfully, there are debt resolution programs that can help. Yet, you need to know what you’re getting into, first. Before you contact …
Are you one of the millions of Americans struggling to pay off debt? If so, it can feel like an impossible mountain to climb. Between the money you owe, sky-high interest rates, and a sinking credit score, it might seem as though you’re destined to be in the red forever. However, there are plenty of …
Published research shows that IRS communication gives 47% Americans severe anxiety, and almost a third worry over audits, even though 65% of surveyed taxpayers are confident their returns are issue-free. In short, a lot of us are worried about nothing when it comes to taxes. If, however, you are worried about a big tax bill, you probably should be. Not only is the IRS a …
Sources estimate that there are currently more unemployed Americans than ever before in history. At the same time, research shows that the average personal debt is $90,460. Unemployment can be a very stressful time, and in most cases, the last thing you need is a boatload of debt payments to make. However, figuring out how to get out of debt …
Is 2020 the year you regain your financial footing? While it might seem like an impossible mountain to scale, the reality is that becoming financially stable is easier than you think. The key is knowing the right steps to take, resources to use and timeline to follow. Today, we’re sharing five secrets that can help you …
Are you saddled with a high debt to income ratio? If so, this could hurt your financial future. For one, high debt to income ratios can make you ineligible for loans or lines of credit with advantageous rates of interest. While accumulating debt is not good for your financial health, some types of debt can actually move …
When most people hear the word budget, they groan. That’s understandable as many people think of being on a budget as some sort of punishment. The truth is, there are a ton of benefits of budgeting. In fact, creating a budget can significantly improve not only your finances but other aspects of your life. Being on …
Many people put off getting their finances in order, but the sooner you begin the process, the better. Now is the time to create goals for your future financial security. Managing your finances is the first step to creating wealth. And it doesn’t have to be complicated. Everyone has a unique set of financial challenges. But …
Credit cards have their place in American life, but on an individual basis, it’s easy to let debt get out of control. If you are questioning whether you’ve taken on too much debt, the answer is probably yes. Maxed out credit cards become a burden, rather than a convenience. Too much debt leaves you unable …