The bills were piling up and you realized that your debt obligations were getting too high to bear. So, you made a smart move and decided to pursue a debt consolidation loan. However, there’s one tiny thing getting in your way of securing the debt help you need. Actually, it’s three things: the numbers in your …
debt consolidation news
The coronavirus pandemic has only made the nation’s student loan crisis worse. Students and graduates alike are facing an employment shortage. Every week since March, over 1 million Americans have filed a jobless claim. It is unclear if these jobs will ever return under the cloud of a pandemic. The economy has contracted by nearly 33% and …
If you’re saddled with too much debt, a consolidation loan may seem like a way out. But lenders are picky when it comes to giving out these loans. Debt consolidation seems enticing because it allows you to lower your interest rate, boost your credit score, and make one easy payment on your debt. Although it sounds …
Did you know that there are 20.2 million people that have taken out a personal loan in 2020? With the average size of a personal loan being $6,382, you may be wondering if taking out a personal loan is the best financial move for your current situation. If you struggled with a low credit score or finally got …
In 2019, consumer debt in the U.S. was around $14 trillion. Since the beginning of 2020, in addition to trying to eliminate any exposure to COVID-19, consumers are also dealing with debt that is growing and increasing incrementally daily. There are various reasons people are acquiring more debt in day-to-day living. The reasons for the increase …
So you just got accepted to college? Congratulations! With the flood of excitement about going to school, you’re probably also concerned about how to pay for your degree. Did you know that in 2019, the average cost of tuition fees for private universities came to over $36,000? If you or your family doesn’t have the savings …
Did you know that the Burea of Labor Statistics discovered that the failure rate for small businesses across the majority of industries is 20% in their first year? Have you been contemplating applying for business loans, but aren’t sure if it’s the best decision to make for your business? If you’re looking to learn more about …
Getting into credit card debt is easy. Paying it off is another story. If you find yourself carrying more debt than you should, you aren’t alone. Dealing with monthly bills and life’s unexpected expenses make getting out of credit card debt seem like an impossible task. If you’re trying to reduce your U.S. credit card …